A Word To The Hurting!
Hello everyone. One thing that I have realized is that there are still a great many women out there who are hurting. As women, we go through so much in life. We have to put up with husbands who act like they have lost their minds, children who do not appreciate or ho...nor us the way they should, employers who harass us or take advantage of our status as Christians, friends who treat us more like enemies than friends and for the single women, men who don't know a good thing when they see one!
God wants you to know today that He sees your pain. I was in prayer on Tuesday, and the Lord revealed to me that although we are preachers, pastors, apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers, authors, entrepreneurs, mothers, wives, and very important people on our jobs, many of us are suffering with a secret pain. I mean, how do we tell people that we are hurting so much when they think we have it all together? How do we tell people about our crazy acting husbands, foolish acting children, mountain high pile of bills, lonely nights, frustrated moments and seasons of doubt, distraction and discouragement? Who will understand what we are going through without judging or pointing their fingers and saying “See, I told you she wasn't all that?:
Well, I'm here to tell you that God knows all about those moments of pain and frustration that you have been going through. God knows about the times when you have cried, and He knows about the times when you have felt like throwing up your hands and giving up. God knows about the lonely nights, and He even knows why you went out with that person who you swore you would never go out with again! God knows!
God knows about the heartaches and the headaches. He knows about the sleepless nights and the times when you just kept eating and eating just trying to make yourself feel better. God knows about the reason that you drink so much and He knows about the fact that you have been trying to put that marijuana down and stop using that cocaine. God sees you and He knows.
I didn't come to point a finger at you and accuse you of not having it all together. I came to tell you that God loves you and that He cares about you. I came to tell you that God is watching over you and in spite of your shortcomings, God still has a great plan for you. I came to tell you that the very fact that you are reading this is a sign to you that God knows your name and He knows your pain. Everything really is going to be all right. It's not over until God says it's over. Everything wrong in your life is going to be made right. God is going to provide for your every need and He is going to heal your broken heart. He is going to open doors that no man can close and yes, He can even take away every unhealthy addiction! Don't give up. Give it to God. Give your pains, your burdens, your worries, your heartaches, your headaches, your lack, your relationship, your husband, your boyfriend, your children, your financial situation, your need for a job or clients, your haters, your enemies, your church, your ministry, everything! Give it all to God and He will take care of it.
Not only will God take care of all that concerns you, but God will take care of you. I know this is long, but God put a burden on my heart today for some hurting women. If you are one of them, receive this word from the Lord. Everything is going to be okay! Hold on! Don't quit! Help is on the way! God is the God of the turn around and He is in the process of turning that thing around!
Let us pray! Father God, I praise your Holy Name. I thank you for my sister who is reading this right now. Father, my sister is hurting. She is going through some secret pain and I pray for her right now. Father, I ask that you will heal my sister. I ask that you will strengthen her and give her the power to make it through this storm. I bind up the hand of the enemy off of her life and I declare her victorious over whatever it is that is troubling her. I give my sister to you right now and we both come to you and cast all of our cares on you knowing that you care for us. So, Father I thank you for giving my sister beauty for ashes and joy for mourning. I thank you that no weapon formed against her can prosper. I thank you that she has total victory in every area of her life. So Lord, I lift this prayer up to you in total faith that you hear and that you will answer. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen!
God bless you my sister. Remember that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning! Remember that God loves you and so do I. Now go in peace and serve the Lord!See More
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