I'm happy to annouce a new addition to my blog, as God allow me to spread my wings in a new direction while he enchance my growth....!
Joylan Netter will now be feature on my site as the
"Life Enchancement Coach!"
"Joy" as she is known have been a pleasure to meet and has been a spiritual blessing to my soul!
I'm excited about this new venture and know she will bring excitement and encourgement to each of you in the coming months. I look forward to seeing and hearing more and more from "Joy" as we take this blog to the next level!
Coming soon this empowerment blog will lauch a blog talk show in "September" everything is in the work...and "Joy" will be one of the feature guest...so be sure to plug into this blog and the up and coming "Blog Talk Online Radio Show"!
Joylan “Joy” Netter, or “Miss Inspiration” as many of her friends and colleagues over the years have named her is a "Life Enhancement Coach." Joy’s diverse background, coupled with life challenges that only God could resolve, has taught her that helping to enhance the lives of others and many ways is the best vocation she could ever possibly dream to do.She’s served in the US Army as both an enlisted and military officer; Has owned and fully operated a microcomputer training school serving professionals, teens and children; served as a therapist in the Oklahoma County Drug Court and Mental Health Court; has written dozens of microcomputer training manuals, and other things too numerable to mention. Wherever she goes, you’ll see her hugging people, shaking hands and laughing and being told that she got her name right because it’s a “Joy” to be around her.
Presentations· Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Kansas City, MO – Project Choice-High School Drop out and Drug Abuse Intervention - Vision: Personal Growth & Development,
Liberal Arts Symposium: Colujia: Where Man Rules and Women are Tools
Liberal Arts Symposium: A 5-Dimensional Model for Treating Dual Diagnosis Patients.
Prevention, Intervention, & Relapse Prevention: A multicultural perspective, ·
Abuse and the Damaged Psyche
Malleable Fences Make Good Neighbors: Establishing Boundaries & Setting Limits for the Codependent·
Multi-Cultural Considerations in Prevention, Relapse, and Relapse prevention·
Helping You is Hurting Me·
The Oz Principle· STRIP: Strengthening The Real Inner Person·
Prison Ministry Presenter· MAKE IT HAPPEN: Be, Do, and Have·
Discipline· Lose Your Mind, Find your Life
VIDEO Presentations· Enough’s enough, I’m keeping my stuff Upcoming 2006: Emotions: In Security,
Domestic Violence: The Beat Goes On; S & M – Socialization & Me
Joy Netter Email
Joy Netter Facebook
Joy Netter Life Enchancement Page
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